Monday, July 19, 2010

It's getting hot in here

It doesn't get much hotter than this! Seriously, these shoes are gorgeous! Now, I know what some of you are thinking - aren't these a little too trendy? The truth is......yes. BUT, I do believe that every once in a while it's fun to buy some "trendy investment" pieces. These pieces are typically items that will without a doubt go out of style, but will without a doubt be beyond fun to wear for at least a year. Let's be honest - if you aren't wearing them for at least 10 months after purchase, that's not just trendy, that's part of your rent and I cannot condone that "trendy investment" purchase. So, my rule is this - if you LOVE them, can immediately think of 10 outfits to wear them with (for work and play), can afford them(don't want anyone being evicted anytime soon), and will not be too terribly upset when Bakers or Dolce Vita make an exact replica but waaaaay cheaper, then buy the hot shoes already. Buy it and love it because they are way too hot to pass on....but them here

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